“I Feel Like Going to the Street and Hand Out Sweets…”

Eight women died this morning in a car accident in South Israel when a truck carrying a tractor hit the bus their were riding. The women were coming back from a religious trip to Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem.

Here is a small selection from comments people made once they found out the casualties were all Bedouins:

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 12.26.08 PM“There is a god! these animals deserve it. If it were Jews the Arabs would have been happy. That’s god payback for all the terror attacks they did.”

used2“I feel like going to the street and hand out sweets…”

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 12.26.35 PM“Don’t worry, they are Arabs”, “Good they are not Jews or Druze…”, “These scumbags are members of an Islamic Hamas related organization…God pays the ones who annoy the people of Israel…Am Isreal Chai!!!”

used4“God heard their pray”, “What’s the big deal, a few dead Al-Aqsa worshipers?”

used 5“The more such accidents the merrier”

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 12.11.05 PM“It’s all starts and ends at Temple Mount – That is the center and salvation will begin there”

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 12.11.43 PM“The fact no Jews died is cheering”


used 8“I am not suppose to be happy if ordinary people (even if non Jews) dies in an accident, but those were enemies…because of them Jews were forbid to enter Temple Mount….’The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.’”

Comments were copied from forum pages (here & here) in rotter.net and from posts uploaded to Ynet News Facebook page. Some of the comments have been erased since)



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